Leaky Gut Syndrome Treatment in Marana, AZ

Leaky gut syndrome is the common name for increased intestinal and bowel permeability. This condition can cause a number of frustrating symptoms that make your life difficult. If you think you may be dealing with leaky gut syndrome, please call (520) 504-1500 or contact Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer online.
Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Symptoms of LGS can range from mild to debilitating.
Some of the signals and identifiers of leaky gut are:
- Gas
- Stomach cramps
- Abdomen cramps
- Food sensitivities
- Aches
- Pains
- Bloating
In addition to these symptoms, leaky gut syndrome can cause or make worse any number of illnesses and conditions. These include:
- Depression
- Acne
- Liver disease
- Psoriasis
- Hives
- Eczema
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
These symptoms and conditions may seem unrelated. That's because leaky gut is pathological, in that it can contribute to the degradation of your overall health. This makes leaky gut a serious, yet difficult to identify, issue.
Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky gut is relatively unique in that it can both cause and result from other conditions. Any condition that inflames or damages the intestines, such as Crohn's disease , carries a risk of causing leaky gut syndrome.
Some medications can also contribute to leaky gut, along with chemotherapy and certain allergies. As with any complicated condition, seeking treatment is the best course of action.
Treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome
As with many conditions, lifestyle changes can help with leaky gut. Simply engaging in regular exercise or changing to a healthier, well-balanced diet can help. An experienced leaky gut syndrome healthcare provider can help you find the right plan to suit your needs. Reducing your intake of alcohol and NSAID drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, can also help.
In addition to diet and exercise, there are a multitude of ways intestinal permeability can be treated.
Typical treatments can include:
- Medication
- Vitamins and supplements
- Holistic care
- Stress-reduction plans
Get Help Now
Leaky gut syndrome is a complicated, debilitating condition. But you aren't on your own: Call (520) 504-1500 or contact Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer online.
Infusion Health
3849 E Broadway Blvd#155
Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 504-1500